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Twitter: Maybe, your updates? You can also put your short introductions of yourself. Keep it long. Also, you can put your hit counter here. Quotes: We might kiss when we are alone, when nobody's watching. We might take it home, we might make out when nobody's there. It's not that we're scared. It's just that it's delicate.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008, 5:01 PM

You're just too good to lose
and I can't refuse
so don't make me choose
between the two
I'm fed up in here in my atmosphere
Don't you know who you are?
You're my shooting star
& look at the way he plays the keyboard,
how i wish i could play like him! lol
haha but what a song to listen to before vday -_-
school was interesting today!
cause its confessions day lol
and theres this soccer post right outside the cafe
where people can post their confessions to their ec/crush on it!
haha so cool right?! mayb they should put that thing all year round
so sa school can be a lovey dovey school :)
but come to think of it
i don't think anybody that posted there really wanted to confess
if they want, they would'nt remain anonymous
haha i guess its just the thrill of it all
like hoping they'll find out, but at the same time hoping they won't
kinda like gambling
if they found out, good for you
if they don't, good for you too
both ways, its gonna be good
Summer romances begin for all kinds of reasons,
but when all is said and done,
they have one thing in common.
They're shooting stars,
a spectacular moment of light in the heavens,
fleeting glimpse of eternity,
and in a flash they're gone.

Monday, February 11, 2008, 9:37 PM
& the hearts all over the world tonight!

AWWWWW right?!
the postcards you see on the vid
are real postcards sent in by people,
writing their secrets on the postcards and sending them anonymously to the website
read the words yo damn cool pls
the enlist one and the box of chocolates from last yr's clearance sale is damn funny!
all the dirty little secrets muahaha
i think the last one is the best
'life is wonderful' lol
& there are many many more!
click this idiot!

rmb the all american reject's Dirty little secrets mtv?
haha yes those were from postsecrets too!

anyway i think chris brown is hotter than the sun!
haha just caught My super sweet 18 feat chris brown,
& he is only 18 can you believe it?!
he's same age as me! :)))))
you see my age people are all so damn cool huh
omg & he is super cute when he smiles lol

Friday, February 08, 2008, 12:51 AM
trying to make it a happy one but kinda to no avail,
till just now
muahaha ang baos flowing in
pineapple tarts flowing into my mouth too
stomach growing BIGGER
money money money
black jack just now was encouraging haha
i thought my luck was bottom of the ocean this yr
then again MAYB NOT ;)
i did something really stupid just now
i don't know why did i do that
mayb i just didn't want to except the fact,
mayb i just cldn't
everything seems so surreal,
so sudden to me
can't help but wish it was just a nightmare
but its constantly on my mind
reminding me of that plan that we made,
how i wish nothing happened,
that i would wake up tmr and everything's the same
Pacific sun, you should have warned us, it gets so cold here.
And the night can freeze before you set it on fire.
And our flares go unnoticed.
Diminished, faded just as soon as they are fired.
These heights are dizzying,
And the climb can kill you long before the fall.
And our trails go unmarked and unmapped
Covered just as soon as they are crossed.
Oh, how we've shouted, how we've screamed,
Take notice, take interest,
take me with you.
But all our fears fall on deaf ears tonight.
They're burning the roads they built to lead us to the light.
And blinding our hearts with their shining lies,
While closing our caskets cold and tight
But I'm dying to live...

Saturday, February 02, 2008, 7:54 PM
They tell you where you need to go,
They tell you when you need to leave.
They tell you what you need to know,
They tell you who you need to be.
But everything inside you,
knows there's more than what you've heard.
There's so much more than empty conversations
filled with empty words
& you're on fire ,
when He's near you.
You're on fire when He speaks.
You're on fire burning at these mysteries.
Give me one more time around,
give me one more chance to see.
Give me everything Your are,
Give me one more chance to be near You.
When everything inside me,
Looks like everything I hate,
You are the hope I have for change.
You are the only chance I'll take.
I'm standing on the edge of me,
I'm standing at the edge of everything I've ever been.
& I've been standing at the edge of me,
standing at the edge
- Switchfoot

Wednesday, January 30, 2008, 9:30 PM
“I’m the type who’d be happy not going anywhere as long as I was sure I knew exactly what was happening at the places I wasn’t going to.''
–Andy Warhol
its easier to ans to our ourselves when we know what we're missing out on?
cool beans manzzxxxzz
so philosophical,
hoho missed sch today decided to run away from scary maths
how i wish god send a polyclinic my way thats just below my hse
so i don't have to spend 20 bucks when im ILL
& i just realised trying hard to match your symptoms
just to make it look real
is gonna backfire!
cuz its gonna cost you more MORE!
the doc is gonna prescribe more pills for you that ure not gonna consume
& that just happened to me.
ive been worrying about so much lately,
guilt engulfs me
& sch's not the same without mich,
i miss all the laughing in the rain while sharing umbrella,
gossiping at the fitness corner,
all those stupid jokes and lame shits.
pray to god its nothing serious,
i hope everything is gonna turn out fine,
& she be back and humping in no time.

Friday, January 25, 2008, 11:43 PM
The spill canvas - Battles
Cursed by my imagination,
teaming with echoes of situations.
I do not feel well, pressed beneath this spell.
Polishing my social skills,
with one more drink, and two more pills.
I do not feel good, I thought by now I would.
But then again.
It's like one thousand paper cuts,soaked in vinegar.
Like the battles with yourself,
that leave you insecure.
It's all just a numbing charade
Until the day you finally wake up,
and you're not afraid.
Bound by my own disposition, the endless hunt to find fruition.
I'm insatiable, even if my cup is full.
My sore throats, are now routine.
I've got to write those songs, make 'em scream.
They're insatiable, even if their ears are full.
But then again.
It's like one thousand paper cuts,soaked in vinegar.
Like the battles with yourself,
that leave you insecure.
It's all just a numbing charade
Until the day you finally wake up,
and you're not afraid.
thanks shar for The spill canvas!
all their songs damn nice can!
'i believe music is free' - gpy
haha share the love yo
many peopl getting sick these few days
get well soon people
be strong & increase you intake of Vitamin-Me
lol :)
Time doesn't wait for anyone.
There's a part in everyday,
where I lie to myself and say that it's okay.
'cause if I don't, I think I'll go insane.
But the truth is, I only have myself to blame.

Saturday, January 19, 2008, 8:31 PM
There, its changed :)
no more complains or comments on the skin,
i hope
This song really touched me,
yeah me too
Relient k - Softer to me
Where am I? Where are you?
There's so much time so little to do
We're busy doing nothing cause it's vanity we prize.
You can't see nothing cause you can't see through your eyes.
They're covered with a film, you're blinded by yourself.
You're the one to blame but you pretend it's someone else.
Life could you be a little softer to me.
Life could you be a more gentle to me.
Yeah I know this is a selfish plea,
Because Christ sacrificed His flesh
On the cross for me
But this world is hard,
It's cruel and I wish it could be
Softer to me
I'm still alive. That much is true
I've never lied, well, I guess I've told a few.
There's nothing to see because I brought nothing to show.
The conversation got too deep, I shrug and tell you I' don't know.
This life can get so hard, this world can be so cruel,
Sometimes I fall apart
I feel just like a useless tool
Yeah I know this is a selfish plea,
Because Christ sacrificed His flesh
On the cross for me

, 12:04 AM
today is a great day to start my weekends
felt like im in j1 again slack in school & off to town
met up with lyd, mandy & ter
went impromptu cny shopping!
godbless mum's also in town so i can live off her muahaha
hahaha bought zara tops!
lol its good to have enemies ard like ter to give me unbiased opinions
totally appreciate it man like totally lol
was just alking about phs days
& guess what! bumped into caryn, joey and dexter at fareast!
what a coincidence man today is really like phs day
suddenly miss the goodoledays awwww
caught up alot with ter and mandy over at borders bistro
its just so nice chatting about the past, present & future
lol i can't imagine next yr this time my life would be like theirs
its a bittersweet feeling i guess
glad that ive managed to live till A'S
sad that ive to pay adult fare! :(
& i think im gonna be on a food strike next 2 days
swensence creamy pasta ytd & pasta today again
i have absolutely no self-control man im a pig!
okayyy tmr gng to go study for hailstone,
er i mean milestone haha
hopefully will complete the task without any DETOURS
& I have to speculate that God himself did make us into corresponding shapes like puzzle pieces from the clay