woohooo yoyoyo
haha kinda late post for xmas but still within the 12 days of xmas!
haha my lovely friends from s26 came to my crib to stay over
& counted down to the XMAS EVE lol
before tt went to visit cons carolling over at esplanade
haha her solo was so cool!
lol anyway ended up talking trash laughing our ass off, played cards, watched youtube
& they're all glued to my tv and mtv pop 10 & 20!
haha it was nice to have them over to mess up my hse :D
& i feel like a supermassive lousy host with lack of food and drink lousy aircon and spoilt tv light and door
ROFLMAO ok enough smeared reputation
haha 3 pigs!
as for the REAL xmas eve went to town to countdown for the 1st time in my life
past yrs been at other ppl's hse
freaking wasted my 2007 xmas eve :(
i hoped for a miraculous snow fall in spore
& instead FOAM came down on me
i was sprayed with FOAM top to toe
targeted like a bull's eye
squashed and surrounded in a sea of 'this colour'
almost died due to stampede
sad man no xmas FEEL AT ALL!
i want to migrate to london !
& smell the smell of xmas in the air
& walk in snow....
ok reality check HAHA
if im stupid enough to go back next yr i wld arm myself with 2 sprays so i can fire at those _____!
after countdown headed to mok's hse
played poker/daidee/bridge and drank the night away with mhy mch his gf andy & derrick
didn't get drunk not even tipsy
& was too tired to stay up all the way
was lying flat on the bed by 5 am
i was very gambling-lucky tt day! :D
so means i didn't drink much which is not a good thing
stupid but we didn't play with money!
& celebrated KLT'S 18TH BDAY & JOYCE'S 19TH BDAY IN ADVANCE with the lovely pies!
woohoo like finally she's 18 which means everyone is legal
& joyce old alrdy haha 19 yo!
yeeha time for some exposure ;)
went to celebrate at vivo's marche
haha omg as usual those ang mohs must be thinking spore girls and all crazy
it was difficult to get everyone tog on the same day
but thank god everything went GENERALLY well
hahahahahaha besides the unsuccessful surprise
seriously SO SO SO happy and glad to see everyone togther like finally!
ok la since nov 21? lol
& its just so nostalgic reminiscing abt how every one's like in sec1
lmao disgraceful past we wish to forget
haha sry pictures are in a mambo jambo sequence!
taken by the camera klt receieved from her jootat
haha 'big investment' LOL
i love chocolates!
my bf lol geof dun kill me pls
haha bollywood!

haha evil bunch of ppl! chucky?!
haha who took her to the candy shop?
haha papparazzi
oh i love this pic
haha anyway
thanks for all the presents & cards & wishes ive received :D
every single one of it made my xmas like totally
seriously can feel the love yo
i know my presents for everyone is super non-practical and lame!
haha but its the thought tt counts considering this is the brokest xmas for me EVER!
& AWWW sadly didn't take much photo during xmas celebrations:(
cuz camera's is with mum in turkey
but well who needs pictures when you have memories in ur head
our brain have unlimited storage
& whats more it auto-delete files from time to time too
WOW what a long post
price to pay for being lazy things snowballs LOL
MAN this yr's xmas was memorable as usual
just like every other yr
came & went as usual
became broke as usual
but received more than i gave as usual
well as usual
i didn't get whatever i wanted for xmas
but being an adult alrdy
means that i can always go out and buy what i want myself!
my 2007 gone away in a flash
keept the plane steady now
don't let it fly too fast
funny how you think you're gonna be ok
until you remember things ain't never gonna be the same again
crazy how you think you've got your whole life planned
just to find that it was never ever really in your hands