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Twitter: Maybe, your updates? You can also put your short introductions of yourself. Keep it long. Also, you can put your hit counter here. Quotes: We might kiss when we are alone, when nobody's watching. We might take it home, we might make out when nobody's there. It's not that we're scared. It's just that it's delicate.
Thursday, November 29, 2007, 11:16 PM

from up here those people look like ants!

They will see us waving from such great heights,

'come down now,' they'll say

But everything looks perfect from far away,

'come down now,'

but we'll stay...

its been so long wonder how ure

mandy is missing from the pic!

, 2:17 PM

the ocip and dance ppl flew and sailed off ysterday
mich, cons, cali, zimu, gan & still got who?
gonna miss them man!
but only for a few days LOL
hopefully they come back with nice stuff for us :D :D
the rest of us who're stuck in spore went to send them off haha
woke up at an unearthly hour of 5 am to send the ocip ppl off at habourfront
haha that shd be in the archive of PEIYU'S BELIEVE IT OR NOT
after that the rest of us just slack and slack and slack
spent a bloody 5 bucks on transport just for yesterday
cuz i forgot to bring out my ezlink
adult fare is day light robbery man
i never wanna upgrade to adult ezlink!

I realised im lacking in money!
my mums refuse to gimme my weekly pay that i deserve by being her lovely daughter
cuz apparently im wasting it all away on useless things!
i think i shd get a NEW job ASAP
im not gonna ask money from her anymore hmmmf!
without money i can't go out
not gng out = staying at home = no life = suicidal
haha mayb i shd tell her that

anyways jay chou's new album rocks i tell you!
like ultimate emo
daniel i think we're killing each other with emo songs HAHA

ok gng out now to go look for job
hopefully we'll find something like a better PP
so i can work and meet new and cool friends like last yr
well even tho they are temp friends its still cool to know more cool ppl HAHA

最长的电影 = emo

我们的开始 是很长的电影
放映了三年 我票都还留着
冰上的芭蕾 脑海中还在旋转
望着你 慢慢忘记你

朦胧的时间 我们溜了多远
冰刀划的 圈 圈起了谁改变
如果再重来 会不会稍嫌狼狽?
爱是不是 不开口才珍贵


你说你会哭 不是因为你在乎

Sunday, November 25, 2007, 12:09 AM

haha back from another pocket burning event in town with klt mandy & lydia
went to suntec initially to take a look ard the flea market thingy
turns out its the size of a classroom -_-
after tt went to town to get money from mum at dfs
luckily shes in town if not i'll be pratically broke man
oh yes thanks mandy for acting with me! ;)
feel so so guilty now la
town was relatively empty at night
we speculate that everyone wld be at st james for the party haha
sigh shd have went man nvm still have chance heehee
bumped into shuhui and zhenhui at the wisma to taka exit
haha what a coincidence!

haha & help mandy to shop for the prom dress too!
feel so excited for her cuz its held at fullerton!
like oman how i wish next yr sa wld be holding prom there too
anyways its still a looonnnng way so i guess i better not get enthu so early
we shopped all the way till the shops closed haha
its so fun lol
been a long time since ive gone hardcore shopping with them!
ok new tagboard cuz some areswipe decided to link godknowswhat from my blog
*roll eyes until cannot roll anymore*

orson- ain't no party makes me happy!
such a happy happy mambo jambo song haha

Thursday, November 22, 2007, 2:57 AM

Tuesday, November 20, 2007, 11:55 PM

seriously nydc damn nice to chill can
the plan is gng on smoothly :D
hopefully everything works out as planned tmr
me & lydia are 2 emo emo emo girls
oh yes dun come and give me that kind of attitude
it spoils my day, like seriously im sick of this
not that the day is not unlucky enough alrdy
its like bad things kept happening

anyway :D
nydc's hot elephanchino is love!!!
got heart shaped marshmellow floating on top too haha
gng back as soon as i get a job with lyd & get our pay!!!
ohyes kept bumping into felicia in town la
ahha 2nd time this week
gonna catch up with the rest of the j2s soon :D

Monday, November 19, 2007, 10:56 PM
Tear those pictures off the wall
I don't think I will need them all again
I think the problem here is there's nothing wrong

I don’t know anymore
I’m not sure if I’m gonna continue trying
I can’t be the only one making an effort
Trying to keep everything going like how it used to be
I’m starting to get so tired
What if I stop trying?
I don’t want to,
but I know one day I will

I don’t want you to be another passerby that came and went
But you feel like a stranger suddenly
I’m not sure I know you anymore

Well what a shame
I actually thought we’ll be friends forever
6 yrs down the drain
Its inevitable, like what you used to say
We’ve all got to move on

Thanks Lydia, for listening (:

, 1:37 AM

haha i feel like adam sandler in click now!
the wounds on my knees are still driving me nuts
whenever i stand up its as if it exploding man
omg & my mum is nagging over there about the scar
seriously feel like clicking some super-power remote control
& press the fastforward button
ZOOOM pass everything unti the wounds heal
like that is exaclty what im dng right now
cuz monday is gonna be another wasted day at home

im SO SO SO looking forward to tues and wed!
like finally after so long ;)
ok till then
shall rejuvenate at home

Saturday, November 17, 2007, 2:25 AM

Marianas trench is super duper nice pls!
omg can't stop listening to their songs
freaking awesome until i kept repeating & repeating the songs
just won't get sick of them

anyway had class chalet recently
& night cycling was damn fun!
the scenery was damn cool
esp near changi airport there like totally foreign feeling
& the sky was so clear that night
we cld see alot of stars
i seriously wanted to just laze there and stare at them
but happy moments were short lived

:( & scraped my knee
was supermassive sad man
not because it hurts but because of the scarring
& the 'wearing of jeans for the next few weeks' thought
why am i so careless? so angry with myself
so ppl please refrain from asking me why im wearing jeans all the time
took many pictures

& today went to watch the guys play M1 rugby match
they almost won but well it was a goodgame
haha was another great day for my eyes :)
after tt went to hk cafe at cine
whereby i fell down in the middle of it :(
damn paiseh okayyyyy
omg wanted to dig a hole & hide
fell on the same spot on my knees too
haha luckily no one i know saw!

counting down to zouk out :D
been looking forward to it since sec2 HAHA

Friday, November 09, 2007, 10:14 PM

:D sentosa was great!!
the sun was powerful really powerful haha
tanned for 2 hrs straight
now im as red as a cooked prawn ok mayb lobster
love love lydia

haha poor woman in red
ate at marches vivo & the setting is way cooler than villa'ge pls
chilled at pcc & the view was great
so calm and windy
theres this japanese cruise right infront
& i thought i saw a half naked man standing at the deck

we watched STARDUST!
omg i swear its a damn awesome movie
i will seriously regret to death if i missed it!
its so out of this world & larger than life
like for that 2 hrs you're taken on a magical journey
& at least for that very moment
you believe that happily ever after actually existed
haha makes u wanna live in a fairytale
but poof ure back to the mundane jc life lol
AWWW its a love story btw sort of
its damn touching & freaking funny at the same time
makes u go 'awww' & then 'roflmao' a second later

& saw the trailer of The golden compass & I am legend!
ohman can't wait to watch them
haha damn cool pls will smith in i am legend
ohya i suddenly rmbered when my bro ws in pri sch
he saw will smith on tv one day
& he shouted to me
'eh blacksmith on tv!'
i will rmb forever

, 9:28 AM
HAHA off to sentosa with lyd now
gonna have fun with her man :D

Monday, November 05, 2007, 2:49 AM

haha all hail holis!
so exciting man this holiday
got so much to accomplish don't know where to start
anyway im not getting enough sleep
all thanks to this china lady who called my hp early in the morning yesterday
trying to scam me to no avail
& whats more she scolded me 'ta ma da'!!!
just when im about to hangup the phone
arhhhh if my reflex were a lil better
i wld have ............. before hanging up
but the inertia was too great cannot overcome in time rofl

&& gonna look for job with lydia in town :D
she says mango is hiring but i don't wanna work there!
comfirm fold clothes until have biceps one
haha actually i kinda wanna go back to pp
but i don't think briYANI wants to hire me after the sms thingy
awww miss those days
when i use to bitch under the sun about her like no one's business
ka-ching! i can hear the sound of coins and the smell of notes
gonna be a rich girl by next yr! ;)