lalalal holis been fun packed & enticipating- :)
celebrated LYDIA CHOW'S SEXY 18TH BIRTHDAY earlier this week
woohoo went to Balcony it was so much fun with them!
we made lydia think that mandy wasn;t coming cuz she's having prelims
& then suddenly appeared out of nowhere with the heavenly choc cake :D
we were like lighting the candles outside balcony but the wind was like so strong!
tsk tsk
so we had to like relight asnd relight again
haha & its like outsdie heeren so many ppl were staring at us!
but its doesn't matter as long as lydia was suprised!
really hope she'd a memorable 18th birthday MOK too:)
after tt went starbucks and chilled awhile for our regular updates
had our usuall heart to heart talks and crapping too lol
its been 5 yrs and our BAND OF SISTERS is still gng strong
even though sometimes when we're busy we hardly get to see each other for months
but when we finally met up its as if nothing's changed
& we're still the same since way back then :)

a few days ago went to cons house with the class for sushi making and dying of hair
lol it was funny as usual
ate lots of sushi yummy!
tho it came in weird shapes and all haha
watched 881 after tt not bad i wld say
took many pics with con's tua ling gong now i know whats tt!
ok thats all my hubby - maths is calling me to go accompany him
hahaha mugging is so much fun yeh?
something i heard that made me wanna mug
'' don't make fun of the nerds in school
cause most likely you will be working for one of them in the future.''
ohya i just realised tt my title's got nothing at all to do with my entry
actually heres the part about the title
to lydia : theres nothing bad about goodbyes, its when you bid farewell to someone
that you get a chance to say hi to someone new :)
glad you're fine!