woohoo im finally here to blog again :D
its national day and spent it with class ppl watching rugby match at suntec in the afternn
edit *saw KLT there! :) so happy! shes there to play touch rug too*
after which i rushed down to meet GLADYS in town lmao
haha there isn't much of the national day feeling this year
prolly cuz i didnt watch the fireworks at all :(
lol well mayb just a lilttle bit of it from cine through countless tree branches and leaves
but still its a national day well spent it was so fun!
hahah and i realised what a small world it is or at least how small singapore is!
ate lots of food & i gain like a ton
well well we've made plans for our bdays! so looking forward to my 18th bday
thank god its on holis NEXT DAY NO SCHOOL!!
& wednesday too ladies night :D
okok shant get my hopes up high
&&& the day before national day is officially the BEST DAY OF MY LIFE! :D
went out with mich to town after celebrations in sch joined by marcus and jeremy
rofl we took neoprints and freaking retard photos its damn funny!
met up with mandy after tt :)
she totally made my day so ncie crapping with her again after so long!
&& ok now the best part *drumroll*!!
guess who i saw for 2 consecutive in a row while strolling throught town!
hahahahaha so happy please :)
the 2nd time was with mandy just when i was telling her about him
den up the escalator we saw him!
i was like :O
what a coincedence!
ok shutup peiyu, just ignore me lol
lalalala here are the photos